Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's A Wonderful Wednesday Morning....

Great me at least. Yes, that means I woke up with money and I can pay some bills now. LOL I am also looking forward to Valentine's weekend, not because I have a special date or anything, but because I get a long weekend. My plans thus far are to go to LOVE with my homie on Friday, chill out on Saturday, take my friend to lunch on Sunday, will probably also go to Park and then going to lunch with my roomie from college on Monday. Lots of excitement for me...YAY!!!

More than likely, there will end up being some testosterone (sp?) invading at some point, but that will not be the highlight of my weekend. I'm too grown for that, I have to remember what song that came from. I also need to get back into the gym, but I need to handle this hair situation first. Yes, I know that my health is more important than my hair, but still.

Anyway, I will probably add more to this later...but it's breakfast time now.

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