Thursday, October 16, 2008

25 is approaching...

I am not sure what turning 25 is supposed to mean to me, but I know that it has already done a lot in terms of my mind moving. I didn't get much sleep last night and i am not tired now, but I think my body and soul is so conflicted. This thing that I am going too is most comforting, but kinda unnerving at the same time and I just wonder how it will all play out. I must admit though for the last time that I am kinda disappointed that Michael Jai White, Jr didn't call me and I wonder if things would have turned out differently had I made some different decisions. Maybe GOD is punishing me...but what makes me mad the most is the fact that he told MJWJ told my mother that he would see her later. You can sice me all day, but don't lie to my mother. I don't know why I am still thinking abt this almost 3 weeks later other than the fact, that he seemed like a good catch, especially since the one closest to conquering my heart at the moment is out flirting with college students. No wonder my phone didn't ring...which made my whole night go differently last night.

What I do know is this: I luv my nails and toes, they are absolutely adorable. I LUV my hair and I love my godsister so much for releasing my inner grown up. And I luv Nigel for bailing me out this time. :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

I am all LOVED out...

I want to try and be serious about someone so bad...but I just can't bring myself to it. I think my trust points are shot to hell and I don't want to ever put myself out there ever again. Lately, I have been thinking about all of the guys that I used to talk to, one of my exes communicates with me on the regular and he annoys me. The part that annoys me the most is that he acts like I owe him something and I think I used to believe that also.

I think that I can say that about most of the guys that I have dealt with and once that power shift takes place....things spiral out of control. What makes that whole bit even sadder is that I think that all of these with the exception of one who was just too young to know any better...probably honestly believed that crap!!! HA!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Precious Moments...

I can truly say that I am blessed. Today, I spent a nice portion of the day laying in the bed, not my bed though...but in the bed with my mother and baby sister. It started out with me being under the weather and not wanting to go in the house and be unproductive and ended up being hours of telling jokes, watching movies and telling stories. I LOVE my life. I also talked to my BELOVED Aunt Jackie who is so far away in body, but so close in spirit.

Speaking of the word "Beloved" is indeed one of my favorite words in the English language. I think that I want my Mary Kay unit to be named something using those letters...but it has not come to me yet. I think that is all I have to say right now...but I may add more in later. As always....have a great and exciting day on purpose!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

So 25 is approaching...

I am so excited, yet scared at the same time. In less than five months, I will be officially cross the line in to adulthood and turning 25. I can definitely say that I felt the difference from 23 to 24, so I can only imagine what 25 will have in store for me.

If you don't feel like reading my profile, I will tell you all that you need to know about me here. I am DC area native, working in the higher educational industry and my life long goal is to make people feel good about themselves and reach their goals, whatever they may be. I have a huge family that I love very much also. :)

I think that is it for now....have a great day on purpose!!!