Thursday, October 16, 2008

25 is approaching...

I am not sure what turning 25 is supposed to mean to me, but I know that it has already done a lot in terms of my mind moving. I didn't get much sleep last night and i am not tired now, but I think my body and soul is so conflicted. This thing that I am going too is most comforting, but kinda unnerving at the same time and I just wonder how it will all play out. I must admit though for the last time that I am kinda disappointed that Michael Jai White, Jr didn't call me and I wonder if things would have turned out differently had I made some different decisions. Maybe GOD is punishing me...but what makes me mad the most is the fact that he told MJWJ told my mother that he would see her later. You can sice me all day, but don't lie to my mother. I don't know why I am still thinking abt this almost 3 weeks later other than the fact, that he seemed like a good catch, especially since the one closest to conquering my heart at the moment is out flirting with college students. No wonder my phone didn't ring...which made my whole night go differently last night.

What I do know is this: I luv my nails and toes, they are absolutely adorable. I LUV my hair and I love my godsister so much for releasing my inner grown up. And I luv Nigel for bailing me out this time. :)

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