Monday, January 12, 2009

What's new boo?

So's 2009 and I am 25, as cute as ever, if my I might say so myself you know I will. Let's see what's new. My homie Tasha is married now and expecting...yay Tasha!!! Zoom is working to reach her goals, she doesn't want a 9 to 5, but we'll see what happens. I just celebrated my first year in Mary Kay...not where I am supposed to be yet, but I am still active. :) KJ is moving on up in Pampered Chef, hopefully she will have a baby soon and Beanie is so cute with her boo. She saved my life last night too and coached me through a great dinner.

If this is your first time reading this blog, you will quickly realize that I am all about breeding life and positivity. It has often been quoted that "it takes a village to raise a child" and my village is still forming. I am still growing up at 25 and I have quite a way left to go.

This year's theme at church is "Set Your House In Order" and the first part of that is "Set Your Financial House In Order" what does that mean for me? No more splurging. At this point, I don't really NEED anything other maybe a brown pair of boots and flats, but I have been and can definitely continue surviving without. An interesting thing for me to note is that other than "club attire," my closet is actually to my satisfaction at this moment. I probably need to get rid of somethings. Anyway, back to setting my house in order, I definitely won't be forgoing trips to the nail salon, but I can definitely cut back on some of my eating out. There was a financial management group who visited our church yesterday and I got signed up to meet with them. I want to be able to save more and be able to give more to those that I LOVE. Plus, I want out of my apartment as soon as the good LORD sees fit, but of course if I am not ready, I know that he will not give it to me yet.

In terms of dating, I am very "hands off" these days with the exception of a wrong that I am trying to "right." I want to deal with someone who appreciates me for who I am and not just what I can do for them. Most importantly, I want someone who wants to go to church. So, I have to work very hard to alter and direct the energy that I exude more effectively...but who knows?

Luv Always :)

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