It reminds me of January mornings in Oneonta, when the sun hardly ever came out and it snowed every single day. I love the snow, well the snow up there. It reminded me of everything that was pure and innocent. I never appreciated the time that I spent up there as much as I should have. Well maybe I did..but sometimes I wish that I could back for a about a week or so.
Today is my favorite day of the week because tonight is Tuesday Night Bible Study. I don't care how much hell raising I do the rest of the week. 95% of the time...I am in Bible Study on Tuesday. I am too afraid that I might miss something. We are now doing a series on spirits and how easy it is for them to transfer from person to person or object to person. On my way to work, it was illustrated to me. I was listening to one of my fave songs from back in the day, "Days of Our Lives" by Bone Thugs and Harmony and I suddenly had the urge to smoke. Now, I have never been a smoker, I dabbled in it briefly when I was smitten, but I never had the urge to just smoke. So, I learned something today. And I know it was just GOD trying to show me something, because the thought/urge/desire was only there for about a minute and a half and it was gone as quickly as it crept into my mind.
Anyway, my evening last night did not go as expected, but I did do something that I haven't gotten to do in a long time which was just lay in my bed and watch TV, even though there was nothing on. I miss the two pillows that I threw away and I need to hurry and replace them and get two more because it is hard to get comfortable with only six pillows. I think I want to get back up to eleven. I still haven't put my new white sheets on my bed, I think I may save those for the warmer months. We'll see what happens though.
I feel like I am rambling this morning but so when I went up to Philly a few weeks ago for the wedding, I rode with my friend's "brother" that I hung out with a lil over a year ago. So, I hop in the car and guess what song comes on...
"It's Too Soon" by Eric Roberson. I am like "Wow"!!! It would have been like a scene out of a movie or something, but it didn't really set the mood for anything. However, that little occurence would be the beautiful backdrop for a poem or maybe a story...hmmm. We'll see what happens tho...
Luv Always.... :)