Sunday, July 20, 2008

Precious Moments...

I can truly say that I am blessed. Today, I spent a nice portion of the day laying in the bed, not my bed though...but in the bed with my mother and baby sister. It started out with me being under the weather and not wanting to go in the house and be unproductive and ended up being hours of telling jokes, watching movies and telling stories. I LOVE my life. I also talked to my BELOVED Aunt Jackie who is so far away in body, but so close in spirit.

Speaking of the word "Beloved" is indeed one of my favorite words in the English language. I think that I want my Mary Kay unit to be named something using those letters...but it has not come to me yet. I think that is all I have to say right now...but I may add more in later. As always....have a great and exciting day on purpose!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

So 25 is approaching...

I am so excited, yet scared at the same time. In less than five months, I will be officially cross the line in to adulthood and turning 25. I can definitely say that I felt the difference from 23 to 24, so I can only imagine what 25 will have in store for me.

If you don't feel like reading my profile, I will tell you all that you need to know about me here. I am DC area native, working in the higher educational industry and my life long goal is to make people feel good about themselves and reach their goals, whatever they may be. I have a huge family that I love very much also. :)

I think that is it for now....have a great day on purpose!!!